Workout 4 RFT 50 Double unders 400m run 30 Sit ups 20 Single-arm DB Push press, total (50/35) *or 10 Handstand push ups
Workout 4 RFT 50 Double unders 400m run 30 Sit ups 20 Single-arm DB Push press, total (50/35) *or 10 Handstand push ups
Strength A1 - Deadlift(deadstop) - 5 x 4 @ 80% of your 1RM *Max reps on the last set A2 - Frog pumps - 4 [...]
Strength A1 - Back squat 5 x 4 @ 80% *Max reps on your last set A2 - Calf raises 4 x 12 Workout For [...]
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. Shout out, and a HUGE congrats, to Coach Jack, Coach Jess, Lisa, Sam, Coach Kate, [...]
REST DAY! Get outside and do something fun. Like celebrate national black dog day. Or just relax! Yoga at 10am. Gainz Club at 11am. [...]
Strength A1 - Bench Press - 5 x 5 @ 70% of your 1RM A2 - KB Pullover on medball - 4 x 10 Workout [...]
Strength 1 A1 - Hang squat snatch 2 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 **Complete each set [...]
Old City Benchmark #9 20 RFT 3 Toes to bar 2 Squat cleans (155/105) 100m run Compare to 7/26/23 - when it was HOT! outside!!
Strength A1 - Deadlift* - 5 x 5 @70% *with max reps on the last set. *Deadstop* A2 - Straight leg hip abductions - 5 [...]
Strength A1 - Back squat -5 x 5 @70% *with max reps on the last set. A2 - Seated DB Z-Press - 4 x 8 [...]