About oldcitycrossfit

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So far oldcitycrossfit has created 2561 blog entries.


By |2025-01-19T15:10:33+00:00January 19th, 2025|Latest WOD|

STRENGTH A1 - Snatch Grip DL 5-5-3-3 A2 - Landmine Rotation 3x20 (55/45) B1 - Weighted Pull-Up 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict Bodyweight 4x5 [...]


By |2025-01-17T15:50:22+00:00January 17th, 2025|Latest WOD|

Strength A1 Bench Press 4x5 A2 Powell Raise 4x10/Arm Partner WOD You Go I Go Divide However, But Evenly 3 Rounds for Time 30 Power [...]


By |2025-01-16T15:59:34+00:00January 16th, 2025|Latest WOD|

STRENGTH A1 - Front Squat 4x5 A2 - Foam Roll Upper Back 3x60s WOD 4 Rounds of 2 Minutes AMRAP/2 Minutes Rest 20 KB Swings [...]


By |2025-01-15T14:44:26+00:00January 15th, 2025|Latest WOD|

Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x45s Chest to Wall Handstand Push-Up 2 - 1x15 DB Half Kneeling Wood-Chop (1x30/1x20) 3 - 1x15 DB [...]


By |2025-01-13T18:36:08+00:00January 13th, 2025|Latest WOD|

STRENGTH A1 - Strict Press 4x5 A2 - Barbell Pendlay Row 4x8 B1 - Weighted Strict Chin-Up 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict 4x5 @ [...]


By |2025-01-12T18:52:17+00:00January 12th, 2025|Latest WOD|

Core EMOM 9 Core/Skill A1 - Pistol Negative Practice 3x3/Leg *Go lower by stacking short boxes and plates. 5 seconds per rep. WOD AMRAP 17 [...]


By |2025-01-10T16:22:03+00:00January 10th, 2025|Latest WOD|

Strength Beach Muscle EMOM 9 1 - 1x12 DB Hammer Curl (2x30/2x20) 2 - 1x12 Flat DB Tricep Extension (2x30/2x20) 3 - 1x15 Band Anchored [...]

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