

The Week Ahead (9/3)

Hi Guys, Forgive the late post! We had a very nice Labor Day adventure with a bunch of little ones, but man do tiny babies slow you down. The week ahead: Tuesday - Power Snatch [...]

The Week Ahead (8/26)…

Friends, Hope you've dusted off your flannel, fantasy football apps, and pumpkin spiced everything... Labor Day is coming up! Speaking of next Monday, look for normal classes to be cancelled next Monday and replaced by [...]

The Week Ahead (8/19)

Friends, A quick thought on CrossFit, then the week ahead! ----- Many of you might have seen in the news that a competitive CrossFitter died last week during a CrossFit Games swimming event, creating quite [...]

The Week Ahead (8/12)…

Friends, Hope everyone is enjoying the summer. New handstand progression this week --- back to heavy squats and bench after a week off --- the week ahead: Monday - Heavy Bench paired with a new, [...]

The Week of 8/5

Team, Happy August! And so, the week ahead: Monday - A spin on one of my all time favorite workouts, "Religion." It is so called because they say during the later rounds you might find [...]

The Week of 7/29

Friends, Look out for the August newsletter this week, we've got a few exercise exploration events coming up you'll want to know about. Included is a Powerlifting Total that will be the culmination of our [...]



Partner WOD Divide However For Time 60 Wall Balls (20/14) 40 Push-Up to Renegade Row (2x50/2x35) 80 Box Jumps (24"/20") 40 Pull-Ups 60 Alternating Box Step Ups (1x50/1x35)(24"/20") Rest 2 Minutes, then: 40 Back to [...]


Strength A1 - 1s Pause Floor Press 3x10 A2 - DB Bent Over Row 3x10/Arm WOD AMRAP 13 50 Double Unders 30 Air Squats 20 DB Snatch (50/35)


STRENGTH A1 Box Handstand Push-Up 4x5 A2 Weighted Pull-Up 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict Bodyweight 4x8+ @ Banded 4x3-5 @ Negatives WOD EMOM 4 Rounds of 4 Minutes 1 - AMRAP KB Swing 2 [...]


STRENGTH Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x15 Side Plank Rotation 2 - 1x15 Side Plank Rotation 3 - 1x45s Med Ball Deadbug WOD 7 Rounds for Time 4 Power Clean (155/105) 8 Toes to [...]


Skill/Strength A1 Box Handstand Push-Up 4x5 -If easy, go to higher box, tighten your pike, and slow tempo. -Scale to Down Dog HSPU, Banded Down Dog HSPU, Strict Push-Ups A2 Weighted Pull-Up 4x5 @ Weight [...]


STRENGTH Deadlift 10-8-5-5 WOD RFT 4 Rounds Row 250m 10 DB Burpee DL (2x50/2x35) Rest 90s


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