

Week of 7/22!

Friends, We hope you're enjoying your summer! We also hope you've enjoying the different energy in the gym! It's been fun to change things up a bit without truly leaving home. Having been in DC [...]

The Week of 7/15

Friends, We hope you've been enjoying the varied programming. A few more nuances you might notice... -You'll see similar movements and structures to WODs. Constantly varied is a big theme in CrossFit, but I like [...]

The Week Ahead…

Team, The coaches at Old City hope everyone had a restful and coooool Independence Day and Weekend. Glad we got that hero WOD out of the way. Also, our A/C is back at full function [...]

The Week of 7/1…

I hope everyone enjoyed the slightly different take on programming last week. This week features many of the same areas of focus, but includes a hero WOD on Independence Day. **Holiday Week Reminder: We do [...]

Week of 6/24/24

Hey Old Cityzens! Better late than never! But we're back... Old City has new hands behind the programming wheel, but they are experienced hands! If we haven't met, I'm Coach Jason, and I've been [...]



Core Strength A1 - KB Lateral Squat with Hand Off ("Seth Currys") 1x20 A2 - Straight Arm Side Plank 1x10 A3 - Straight Arm Side Plank 1x10 WOD Partner WOD You go I go 12 [...]


Strength A1 Weighted Chin Up 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict Tempo Bodyweight 4x8+ @ Strict Banded 4x5 @ Negatives A2 Dumbbell Lateral Box Step Up 4x8/leg *Aim for a plate stack or box where [...]


Skill and Mobility A1 - Handstand Kick Up to Wall 3x5 *Hold top for 5s *Don't move your hands (IE, don't cartwheel forward) A2 Elephant Walk 3x20 (10/leg) *Hold Each Pulse for 2-3s WOD 4 [...]


Strength A1 Bench Press 3x2 @ 95% A2 Powell Raise 3x10 WOD AMRAP 11 10 V-Up 15 Ring Row 30 Double Under


Snatch Mobility 10 Minutes or So A1 - Pause Overhead Squat 3x5 -Empty Bar or PVC. Go slow and Stretch A2 - Dynamic Child's Pose on Foam Roller 3x8 - slow WOD 15 Rounds for [...]


A1 Back Squat 3x2 @ ~95% A2 Box Jumps 4x3-5 *Immediately after Squats *Try to be as explosive as possible. This ain't cardio! "WOD" 4 Rounds AMRAP DB Floor Press (2x50/2x35) 100m Farmers Walk (2x50/2x35) [...]


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