Capitol Hill Classic with a twist?
By Jen Jacobs The back of our shirts reads “preparing you for life.” This isn't some blanket statement, it's what we as coaches strive to [...]
By Jen Jacobs The back of our shirts reads “preparing you for life.” This isn't some blanket statement, it's what we as coaches strive to [...]
Last Wednesday, February 17, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and Old City Coach Shauna Marshall, led the Mom’s of Old City CrossFit in a discussion and [...]
For most people gymnastic's movements are the most difficult movements to learn. They require a dedicated focus on technique and balance, and require a very [...]
By Jennifer Carter-Wharton My journey with CrossFit began in early 2012 with a desire to get in the best shape of my life before becoming [...]
By Julianna Lovik You may have noticed a little hiatus lately from the Neighborhood Paleo posts, but not to worry! I've been brewing up some [...]
Have you ever been in the middle of a WoD and thought, "Man I could really use some Taylor Swift right now"? Well, here's your [...]
By: Eve Goldsher "Hey, Coach! When will I get a [kipping pull-up, handstand push-up, toes-to-bar, strict ring dip]?!" This is a common question among CrossFit [...]