

The week ahead.. November 21st

Hey Old Cityzens! Have you recovered from Friday's Bulgarian split squats? Want them programmed more often? Let me know! First off, a quick reminder about our schedule for the holiday week, which is as follows.. [...]

Old City CrossFit’s Hiring!

Yup, that's right - we're growing and in order to facilitate that growth we need more rockstars! We're looking for smart, passionate people with a desire to change lives through coaching CrossFit. If you aren't aware, [...]

The week ahead.. November 14th

First off, a HUGE thank you to everyone for helping out with the 'AMSAP' on Friday whether you were there in person to assemble or donated items to be used. Check out the finished product [...]

The week ahead.. November 7th

Hey gang.. Can you believe it's already November?!? That means only 48 shopping days until Christmas (link)! For this week, a couple reminders regarding the end of the week. Friday is Veteran's Day, which is [...]

The week ahead.. October 31st

Hey folks.. Great turn out at the party on Friday night! It's good to see people in normal clothes for a change. Onto the workouts this week: If you're familiar with the girl workout "Grace", [...]

The week ahead.. October 24th

Hey folks.. A few quick administrative notes. A reminder that we have the combined homebrew challenge and 3-year anniversary party on Friday (linked) at 8pm. With that said, there will be no 7pm class on [...]



Strength A1 - Romanian Deadlift - 3 x 10 A2 - Strict hanging knee raises - Accumulate 30 reps in as few sets as possible Workout Old City Benchmark WOD #1 3 x 30 sec [...]


Strength A1 - Back Squats -5 x 3 Workout 10 RFT 5 Burpees 5 KB Swings (53/35) 5 Goblet squats (53/35) Core Work Plank KB pull throughs - 2 x 20/total Supine toes to KB [...]


REST DAY! Get outside and do something fun. Or just relax! Yoga at 10am. Gainz Club at 11am. But try to spend some time away from the gym and outside. And HAPPY CINCO DE [...]


Strength A1 - Bench press - 5 x 3 - first rep tempo @ 32x1, the other 2 reps at normal pace *3 seconds down, 2 sec hold at the chest, press up FAST.. then [...]


Workout CrossFit Open WOD 23.3 Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of: 5 wall walks 50 double-unders 15 snatches (95/65) 5 wall walks 50 double-unders 12 snatches (135/95) *If [...]


Workout 4 rounds for time 750m row 10 Turkish Get Ups *choose your weight* *total reps


Let us help you find the right program for your specific fitness goals!

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