Strength A1 - Bench press -5 x 3 @ 85% *with max reps on the last set. A2 - Gorilla Rows -4 x 8/arm Workout [...]
Strength A1 - Bench press -5 x 3 @ 85% *with max reps on the last set. A2 - Gorilla Rows -4 x 8/arm Workout [...]
Strength 1 A1 - Split snatch 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 A2 - Incline DB seal row -4 [...]
Workout For time 20 Box jumps (24/20) 200m run 40 Push ups 200m run 60 Wall balls (20/14) 200m run 80 Double unders 200m run [...]
Strength A1 - Deadlift *deadstop* - 5 x 3 @ 85% A2 - Lateral band walks - 4 x 10 steps (left AND right)' Workout [...]
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. For those that have Monday off, enjoy your holiday weekend and the extra time off. [...]
REST DAY! Get outside and do something fun. Or just relax! And enjoy a fluffernutter sandwich! Yoga at 10am. Gainz Club will be at [...]
Workout Partner WOD 12 RFT 9/6 cal bike 12 KB Swing (53/35) 6 Chest to bar pull-up *Partners can choose how they want to split [...]
Strength A1 - Bench press -5 x 4 @ 80% *with max reps on the last set. A2 - Half kneeling med ball throw - [...]
Strength 1 A1 - Squat cleans 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 **Complete each set twice at the [...]
Workout 4 RFT 50 Double unders 400m run 30 Sit ups 20 Single-arm DB Push press, total (50/35) *or 10 Handstand push ups