Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great weekend, watched some sports ball!, and enjoyed the *little* bit of a snow storm we got on Sunday. Will we get more this week or will the ‘DC Snow Hole‘ persist and keep the snow-loving residents crying in their hot cocoa??

Regular Class Schedule Today

Monday is a federal holiday celebrating the birthday of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, but we are keeping our regular class schedule because not everyone has the day off. Come in early! Come in often!

Programming and Workouts Re-cap

You can read up about ‘what’s on the whiteboard’ in the January newsletter, but you can also get a preview of the week with THISpost. We like to prioritize the strength days so you plan on coming in on those days. Next would be the benchmark workouts followed by the long workouts. Seeing the layout for the week is also helpful if you’re training for a race or doing another sport. Since we don’t build in any rest days during the week, you can do that by regulating the intensity of each workout and the weight that you use. You don’t have to go HAM/Rx every day.


Additionally, the workouts are posted the night before at 6:49pm in ZenPlanner and on the website. The website is little easier to read than ZP, and it also includes hyperlinks to the movements if you’re not sure what a Devil’s press or hang power snatch is. This keeps all the information you need right here! since you might find other variations when doing your own research.

Finally, the website also has a search function in the top navigation bar. This is helpful if you every want to look up a workout by a movement – thruster, deadlift, toes to bar, etc.

If you have any other questions about the workouts, please reach out to one of your coaches.


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Long workout with a single dumbbell – snatches, squats, and presses – and some double unders.

Tuesday – Back squats for 3s followed by a body weight triplet AMRAP.

Wednesday – Sumo deadlift for 3s with a “deconstructed Grace” workout for time.

Thursday – Long workout with max reps/calories in a minute of rowing, dips, and box jumps, similar to “FGB”

Friday – Snatch work from THREE different hang positions. Old City Benchmark #1 – bike sprints!

Saturday – Floor press with your regular grip followed by an AMRAP of toes to bar, KB swings, and air squats. Check on your grip strength!

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! We also have Yoga at 10am. Otherwise, try to relax a bit, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!
-Jen *Go Lions!*