Strength A1 - Deadlift -5-5-5-5 *Deadstop on every rep. Let the bar rest on the ground for a split second every rep. A2 - [...]
Strength A1 - Deadlift -5-5-5-5 *Deadstop on every rep. Let the bar rest on the ground for a split second every rep. A2 - [...]
Strength A1 - Front squat -5-5-5-5 *Pause for 1 sec at the bottom every rep A2 - Lateral band walks -4 x 10 each [...]
Workout “Annie + Karen” For time 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders Sit ups Wall balls (20/14) **Completed as 50 double unders, 50 sit ups, 50 wall balls; [...]
Strength A1 - Bench press -5-5-5-5 *1 sec pause at top every rep, 1 sec pause at chest on first rep every set A2 [...]
Strength 1 A1 - Power snatch + hang power snatch -Build to a heavy 2 of the complex A2 - Single arm ring row with [...]
Hey Old Cityzens! Happy Superb Owl Sunday! I hope everyone had great weekend and is currently enjoy the game right now, or doing something [...]
REST DAY! Get outside and do something fun. Or just relax! **Unfortunately, yoga is canceled for today.** -Gainz Club at 11am - 12:30pm -Super Bowl [...]
Strength A1 - Deadlift -8-8-8-8 A2 - Straight leg hip abduction - 4 x 8/leg Workout 6 min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (185/135) 10 [...]
Strength A1 - Front squats -8-8-8-8 A2 - "MJ" Calf Raises -4 x 12 Workout 4 RFT 200m run 12 KB Swings (70/53) [...]
Workout 5 RFT 500/400m row 6 Devil’s Press (50/35) 20 Sit ups Mobility 5 way banded shoulder stretch - 20 sec/position