STRENGTH A1 - Top Support L-Sit* 3x Accumulate 30-45s *On Matador or Rings or Paralettes A2 - Hang* 3x Accumulate 45s *Easy? Add weight WOD [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Top Support L-Sit* 3x Accumulate 30-45s *On Matador or Rings or Paralettes A2 - Hang* 3x Accumulate 45s *Easy? Add weight WOD [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Back Squat 3-3-3 WOD EMOM 16 1 - 1x3 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115)* 2 - 1x15 Supine Grip Australian Row 3 - [...]
Core EMOM 1 - 1x15 Band Anchored Leg Raise 2 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse 3 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Snatch Grip Deadlift 5-5-3-3 A2 - Wall Walk 4x4 + 5s Hold B1 - Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8 B2 - Weighted Chin-Up [...]
Friends, Looks like some above-freezing temps, so we'll start the week getting back outdoors. The week ahead: Monday - Strength is Floor Press and inclined [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Barbell Pause Floor Press 4x6* *Dead-stop 2s with elbows on ground A2 - Incline Seal Row 4x10* *Bench on 24" box WOD [...]
Strength A1 - Back Squat 5-5-5 Partner WOD You Go I Go 3 Rounds 20 Turkish Get-Up (44/26)(10/each)(5/arm) 20 Strict Pull-Ups 4 50" Walking Lunge [...]
Beach Muscle EMOM 12 1 - 1x12 Supine Grip Inverted Row 2 - 1x12 KB Pullover (53/35) 3 - 1x12 Bench Dip* 4 - Rest [...]
Skill/Strength A1 - Pistol Negatives 3x3/Leg @ 5s *all one leg then the other **measure distance down and strive to go lower and lower A2 [...]
Strength A1 - Barbell Pause Floor Press 4x6 - Pause 2s with elbows on ground A2 - DB Bent Over Row 4x10/Arm WOD E2MOM x [...]