Skill/Strength A1 - Max Effort Hang 3xAccumulate 45s A2 - L-Sit 3xAccumulate 30-45s WOD Open 19.1 AMRAP 15 19 Wall Ball (20/14) 19 Cal Row [...]
Skill/Strength A1 - Max Effort Hang 3xAccumulate 45s A2 - L-Sit 3xAccumulate 30-45s WOD Open 19.1 AMRAP 15 19 Wall Ball (20/14) 19 Cal Row [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Tall Snatch + OHS 3x2* *Empty bar or minimal weight B1 - E2MOM x 7 (14 Minutes) 2-2-2-1-1-1-1 Snatch WOD EMOM 12 [...]
Team, Damn, just when we were getting our running groove going there might be more snow! Lucky for us the temps are "higher" than last [...]
Strength A1 DB Incline Bench Press (24" Box) 4x10 A2 DB Bent Over Row 4x10/Arm Partner WOD You Go I Go - Divide However 10 [...]
STRENGTH A1 Tempo Back Squat 4x3 Down for 5, deadstop for 1, up with power CROSSFIT OPEN PREP Shorter CrossFit Open 12.3 AMRAP 13 15 [...]
STRENGTH Core EMOM 1 - 1x15 PVC Superman Pull-Up 2 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse 3 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse [...]
STRENGTH A1 Deadlift 5-5-3-3 A2 - Weighted Pull-Up 3-3-1-1 B1 - Strict Press 4x5 B2 - Powell Raise 4x10/Arm
Skill/Strength A1 Bulgarian Split Squat (Low Box/Plate) 4x5/Leg A2 Handstand Kick-Up and Hold 4x5 + 5s Hold* *Kick-Up and Hold handstand against wall for 5 [...]
Friends, The week ahead and commentary: Monday - Keep it simple yet challenging... Medium distance AMRAP with Squat Clean at 185/125, chest to bar pull-ups [...]
WARM-UP A1 - Tall Clean 3x3* *Empty bar or minimal weight A2 - Butcher Block Stretch 2x60s WOD AMRAP 18 2 Squat Clean (185/125) 6 [...]