
For time
15 Burpee over the barbell
5 Cleans
12 Burpee over the barbell
4 Clean
9 Burpee over the barbell
3 Clean
6 Burpee over the barbell
2 Clean
Rx – 185/135

**Strong day today. As mentioned in the weekly post, this workout is similar to one we did a few weeks ago, with a few tweaks, one being that it’s a task vs time priority workout.

The weight will get heavy today and stay heavy for the workout. Please remember the no-drop policy. These aren’t touch-and-go cleans for either strength or the workout, but we want to be able to control the bar down to the ground on every rep.

Also remember that ‘heavy’/’heavy 2’ is relative to how you feel, how much time we have, how good your technique/mobility is, etc. A lot of factors go into deciding what’s heavy and what’s not, and maybe today is a technique day for you, and that’s quite dandy. There’s little to gain in going heavy if you don’t have the technique down pat. Every rep should look as good as the one before it even in warm up.

Daily Read (and don’t stay up too late reading this)

How Blue Light Affects Our Eyes