Hey Old Cityzens!

Thanks for waiting patiently for the weekly post. What a busy weekend! But please, never forget the meaning behind this weekend. It’s a celebration for most and seen as the start of summer, but it’s about remembering why we have the freedom we do to live our daily lives. Honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice not just this weekend, but every day.

For those who did Murph, please take the time to recover. For some, that means staying out of the gym completely for a few days. For others, come in and do the workouts as ‘active recovery’ – scale waaay back on the weights. Also, get in extra recovery work in the form of foam rolling, walking, maybe try swimming, get a massage, take care of your hands, and take care of anything else that’s sore.

We’re wrapping up the month and that means we have June’s newsletter coming out later this week. Keep an eye out for that as it will include information about programming changes, the Girl WOD or WODs (plural) on the docket, and upcoming events. One I’ve already mentioned is going to watch the DC Breeze ultimate disc team taking on the Philadelphia Phoenix. The match is set for Saturday, June 22nd at 4pm, and we’ve secured a group of tickets. Sign up HERE to secure your pair – for you and a friend – of F.R.E.E tickets to join the other Old Cityzens who are already planning to go.

Let’s see what’s coming up for the rest of the week

Tuesday – Bench press and a little triplet AMRAP. If you did Murph and can walk okay, come in and give this a-go with some lighter benching and DBs on the push press and lunges.

Wednesday – Getting in some (squat) clean work today, and some more squat cleans. Workout is similar to one we did a few weeks ago (2+ clean/burpee ladder), but we’ll be working our way down the ladder.

– Double strength has us doing some snatches and pull up/push up work.

Friday – Finally our long day! In the spirit of the girl benchmark WOD(s) coming up in June, we’ve got a nice little triplet for you today taking parts of 3 girl WODs.

– If you’ve been missing out on some deadlifts, here’s your chance to get in a set of heavy 5. We’ll also be busting out the dballs and giving you a chance to work on your handstand push ups.

Sunday – Open gym + gainz club + HeroWOD (always a good time!) + yoga

Let’s have another great week!
