By |2024-07-31T18:38:06+00:00July 31st, 2024|Latest WOD|

Strength A1 - Ring Push-Up 4x8 *Feet and hands on same plane (feet on box?) *Scale to band assisted A2 - DB Incline Seal Row [...]


By |2024-07-29T18:42:22+00:00July 29th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Skill Work A1 Handstand Kick-Up Drill 4x5 *Hands don't move (IE, don't forward cartwheel) *Hold handstand for 5s before dropping. *If you can, try to [...]

The Week of 7/29

By |2024-07-28T21:08:16+00:00July 28th, 2024|Blog|

Friends, Look out for the August newsletter this week, we've got a few exercise exploration events coming up you'll want to know about. Included is [...]


By |2024-07-28T20:26:08+00:00July 28th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Strength A1 Bench Press 5-3-1-1-1 *Read this as 5 "working," IE challenging, sets. When possible, add weight, but avoid failing reps. A2 DB Bent Over [...]


By |2024-07-26T20:50:06+00:00July 26th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Core Strength A1 - KB Lateral Squat with Hand Off ("Seth Currys") 1x20 A2 - Straight Arm Side Plank 1x10 A3 - Straight Arm Side [...]


By |2024-07-25T20:22:03+00:00July 25th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Strength A1 Weighted Chin Up 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict Tempo Bodyweight 4x8+ @ Strict Banded 4x5 @ Negatives A2 Dumbbell Lateral Box Step [...]

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