Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great holiday weekend and enjoyed some time outside.

Memorial Day Murph!

Class times are 8am and 9:30am. The workout is in honor of U.S. Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy, who died heroically in the line of duty in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005.

Bring some snacks and drinks to share afterwards. Ice, popsicles, and towels will be provided to help cool you off afterwards.


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Hero WOD “Murph”. Class times are 8am and 9:30am

Tuesday – Deadlifts for 5s. Increasing the percentage from when we did this rep scheme April 5th. A dumbbell take on “DT” to follow.

Wednesday – Longer workout with rowing, box jumps, and toes to bar. Hands ripped up from Murph? Do V-ups.

Thursday – Front squats at 80% followed by a repeat workout from April 23 of double unders and DB snatches.

Friday – Bench press with a pause followed by a thruster/burpee couplet.

Saturday – Long workout with running, power cleans, and front squats.

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! We also have Yoga at 10am. Otherwise, try to relax a bit, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!