Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great weekend and remembered to change their clocks Saturday night/Sunday morning. Now to enjoy the darker mornings again for awhile longer. I love it!

Mobility Workshop – Saturday, March 18th

Danielle Clare and Lauren Bracken, from ClareMotion Physical Therapy, will be joining us for a mobility workshop. We will go through a quick mobility routine with everyone. Then open up time for Q&A on how athletes can create their own mobility routines and figure out what works best for their individual bodies and goals.

Members can sign up for FREE through your ZenPlanner accounts.

Coaching Q & A – Sunday, March 19th

Old City is looking to promote a few of its finest Old Cityzens! Join us at Old City at 1pm on Sunday, March 19th for a 45 minute Q&A about being a CrossFit coach.

We’re looking for part time coaches who can help with 3-4 hours a week or every other week. Moreover, this is only an informational session for those who have questions about the process or would like to learn more about the foundational ideas behind CrossFit and coaching. No commitment necessary.

We’re not looking for CrossFit competition athletes, nor those who can do the best muscle up… we want coaches who are committed to improving every week, love the Old City environment, and want to spread the goodness that CrossFit has brought into their own life.

If you have questions or plan to attend, please email Coach Jason by March 15th.


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Sumo deadlift with a 12 min AMRAP including the sumo deadlift high pull and push press.

Tuesday – Old City Benchmark #2 – “The Ghost” – rowing, burpees, double unders. This is a great test to see how your double unders are coming along.

Wednesday – Double strength day with a clean focus (squats) and split jerk, building on last weeks’ split snatch.

Thursday – Floor press and RDLs, followed by a triplet of wall balls, KB swings, and ring rows.

Friday – Longer workout today with a focus on pistols and handstand push ups, and a second dose of double unders.

Saturday – Bulgarian split squats and broad jumps with some running and med ball work.

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! We also have Yoga at 10am and Gainz Club at 11am. Otherwise, try to relax a bit, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!