WOD 3 Rounds of 3 Minute AMRAP/90 Seconds Rest 2-4-6-8-10... Power Clean (155/105) Push-Up Box Jump Over *Start from beginning every round *Score is total [...]
WOD 3 Rounds of 3 Minute AMRAP/90 Seconds Rest 2-4-6-8-10... Power Clean (155/105) Push-Up Box Jump Over *Start from beginning every round *Score is total [...]
Beach Muscles EMOM 9 1 - 1x12 Standing DB Bicep Curl (2x30/2x20) 2 - 1x12 Lying DB Skull Crusher (2x30/2x20) 3 - 1x12 Standing Reverse [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Tall Clean 4x3* *Empty Bar or Light Weight B1 - E2MOM x 6 2 Squat Clean WOD 8 Rounds 30s Work/30s Rest [...]
STRENGTH EMOM 9 1 - 1x45s Chest to Wall Handstand Hold* 2 - 1x30 Hollow Rocks 3 - 1x12 PVC Superman Pull-Up *Scale to Box [...]
STRENGTH A1 Squat Complex 4x1 1 = 3 Front Squat + 6 Back Squat STRENGTH B1 - 1s Pause Floor Press 4x5 B2 - Top [...]
WOD 6 Rounds for Time 10 DBall Shoulder (100/60) 10 Toes to Bar* Run 200m Rest 60s *Can substitute 2 Bar Muscle Up for T2B [...]
Beach Muscle EMOM 9 1 - 1x12 "Tate" Tricep Press (2x25/2x20) 2 - 1x12 Zottman Curl (2x25/2x15) 3 - 1x40 Heel Tap Partner WOD You [...]
STRENGTH A1 - 4x1 Squat Complex* *4 Front Squat + 8 Back Squat WOD 6 Rounds 4 Sumo Deadlift High pull (95/65) 6 Push-Up Run [...]
WOD CrossFit Open 12.3 AMRAP 18 15 Box Jumps (24"/20") 12 Push Presses (115/85) 9 Toes to Bar MOBILITY
STRENGTH A1 - Tall Clean 4x3* *Empty bar or minimal weight B1 - E2MOM x 6 3 Squat Clean* *Start at a moderate weight and [...]