

Olympic Lifting Course!

Olympic Lifts are the MOST complex movements we perform in the gym. They're literally an Olympic sport. They require maximum mobility and range of motion. They require immense strength and power. Most importantly, they require an [...]

Why you should try YOGA!

By Katie Rutterer I came to CrossFit to become a faster runner.  I knew some great runners who told me about this crazy functional fitness performed at high intensity thing they did. I thought it [...]

Kettle Bell Seminar!

Still find yourself frustrated with the kettlebell? Wondering why your back hurts, your hands are torn, and your forearms are bruised? Then this class is for YOU! The purpose of the Old City kettlebell seminar is to [...]

VooDoo Floss

As I'm sure most seasoned Old Cityzens have seen, the VooDoo Floss bands from Rogue Fitness are miracle workers. We use these bands for a whole host of purposes, but they are especially great at helping [...]



Strength A1 - Front foot elevated split squats - 3 x 8/leg *Stand on 45# plate, drop straight down A2 - Strict Chin up work 3x Max Effort Workout For time 100 KB Swings (70/53) [...]


Workout 6 rounds 40 sec rowing - max calories 20 sec rest 40 sec biking - max calories 20 sec rest 40 sec double unders - max reps 20 sec rest 1 min rest between [...]


Strength A1 - Sumo Deadlifts -Build to a Heavy 5 and repeat 2-3x A2 - Collapsed Hip Extension - 3 x 8/leg Workout 6 min AMRAP 12 Power cleans (135/95) 21 Air squats [...]


Strength 1 A1 - Power snatch + Overhead squat -Build to a Heavy 2 and repeat 2-3x A2 - Banded arch to hollow 4 x 8 Strength 2 B1 - Half Toes to bar 4 [...]


Workout For time: 10 DB Snatches (50/35) 15 Burpee hop over DB and back 20 DB Snatches 15 Burpee hop over DB and back 30 DB Snatches 15 Burpee hop over DB and back 40 [...]


Strength A1 - Narrow Grip Pause Floor Press - Build to a Heavy 3. Pause on the ground for 2 seconds each rep. Repeat your heaviest weight 2 more times. A2 - Ball slams 4 [...]


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