About oldcitycrossfit

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So far oldcitycrossfit has created 2603 blog entries.


By |2025-01-02T20:13:56+00:00January 2nd, 2025|Latest WOD|

Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x30s Side Plank Leg Lift 2 - 1x30s Side Plank Leg Lift 3 - 1x20 Windshield Wipers WOD 6 [...]


By |2024-12-29T12:16:08+00:00December 29th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Strength A1 Barbell RDL 4x6 A2 Ring Dip 4x3-5 @ Weight 4xMax Effort Strict 4x5 Matador/Band/Negatives WOD EMOM 15 1 - 1x10 KB Front Squat [...]


By |2024-12-27T11:47:46+00:00December 27th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Hannukkah WOD 8 Rounds 8 Push-Ups 8 Wall Balls (20/14) 8 Knees to Elbow 8 Box Jumps (20"/14") 8 Burpees 8 KB Swings (70/53) 8 [...]


By |2024-12-26T14:01:30+00:00December 26th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Strength Day A1 Back Squat 4x5 A2 KB Pullover 4x12 B1 Barbell RDL 4x10 B2 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Up 4xMax Effort 4xStrict Pull-Up Practice [...]


By |2024-12-28T11:26:26+00:00December 25th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x10 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse* 2 - 1x10 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse 3 - 1x45s Med Ball [...]


By |2024-12-23T14:27:38+00:00December 23rd, 2024|Latest WOD|

Strength A1 Bench Press 4x6 A2 DB Supinating Bent Over Row 4x10/Arm WOD 4 Rounds for Time Row 300m 20 KB Swings (1x53/1x35) Rest 90s

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