Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x30s Side Plank Leg Lift 2 - 1x30s Side Plank Leg Lift 3 - 1x20 Windshield Wipers WOD 6 [...]
Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x30s Side Plank Leg Lift 2 - 1x30s Side Plank Leg Lift 3 - 1x20 Windshield Wipers WOD 6 [...]
Strength A1 Bench Press 5x3 A2 Barbell Pendlay Row 4x10 (155/105) WOD AMRAP 7 21 KB Swings (53/35) 12 Push-Ups
WOD 4 Rounds for Time Row 750m 8 Clean and Overhead (155/105) 24 Alternatinv V-Ups
Old City Family, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, Another short-ish week, be sure to check our Facebook group and our in-gym whiteboard for holiday [...]
Strength A1 Barbell RDL 4x6 A2 Ring Dip 4x3-5 @ Weight 4xMax Effort Strict 4x5 Matador/Band/Negatives WOD EMOM 15 1 - 1x10 KB Front Squat [...]
Hannukkah WOD 8 Rounds 8 Push-Ups 8 Wall Balls (20/14) 8 Knees to Elbow 8 Box Jumps (20"/14") 8 Burpees 8 KB Swings (70/53) 8 [...]
Strength Day A1 Back Squat 4x5 A2 KB Pullover 4x12 B1 Barbell RDL 4x10 B2 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Up 4xMax Effort 4xStrict Pull-Up Practice [...]
Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x10 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse* 2 - 1x10 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse 3 - 1x45s Med Ball [...]
Strength A1 Bench Press 4x6 A2 DB Supinating Bent Over Row 4x10/Arm WOD 4 Rounds for Time Row 300m 20 KB Swings (1x53/1x35) Rest 90s
Friends, The weeks with theme WODs are the hardest to program. Sure, the traditional holiday WODs and hero WODs are already written... work done, right? [...]