Strength 1 A1 - Split snatch - Build to a heavy 3. Repeat that top weight 1-2 times. Strength 2 B1 - Romanian Deadlift -4 [...]
Strength 1 A1 - Split snatch - Build to a heavy 3. Repeat that top weight 1-2 times. Strength 2 B1 - Romanian Deadlift -4 [...]
Workout 7 min AMRAP (12.5) 3-6-9-12.. Chest to bar pull ups Thrusters (95/65) **Rest 7 minutes** 7 min AMRAP (13.4) 3-6-9-12.. Clean and jerks (135/95) [...]
Hey Old Cityzens! Happy Week 3 - and final week - of the CrossFit Open! I hope everyone had great weekend, remembered to change [...]
REST DAY! Get outside and do something fun. Or just relax! -Yoga at 10am. -Gainz Club at 11am See you tomorrow!
Strength A1 - Back squat -3-3-3-3 *2 sec tempo down every rep A2 - Lateral band walks -4 x 10/left and right Workout [...]
CrossFit Open WOD 24.1 20 min AMRAP 300-meter row 10 deadlifts (185/125) 50 double-unders Check out the CrossFit Games Website for the workout and movement [...]
Strength A1 - Bench press -3-3-3-3* *1 sec pause at the chest on the 1st rep every set. *Increase the weight on the bar each [...]
Strength 1 A - Power clean and jerk - Build to a heavy double of the complex B - EMOM x 9 - 3 reps [...]
Workout For time 10 Lunges 10 Push ups 20 Double unders 20 Lunges 20 Push ups 40 Double unders 30 Lunges 30 Push ups 60 [...]
Strength A1 - Deadlift -3 x 5 *deadstop on all reps *Take about 3-4 sets to build up to your heavy weight, then stay there [...]