About oldcitycrossfit

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So far oldcitycrossfit has created 2610 blog entries.


By |2024-06-17T23:26:14+00:00June 20th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Workout "All In" 7 RFT 7 Devil's Press (40/25) 7 Toes to bar 42 Double unders **These movements are some of Coach Jen's favorites, as [...]


By |2024-06-16T12:53:52+00:00June 18th, 2024|Latest WOD|

“Juneteenth” 6 RFT 400m run w med ball (20/14) 19 Wall balls (20/14) *At some point in the workout, complete a row of 1865m Compare [...]


By |2024-06-09T11:51:56+00:00June 14th, 2024|Latest WOD|

Pride WOD 19 min AMRAP 6 Pull ups 9 Hang clusters (95/65) 6 Burpees over the bar 28 Double unders **The Stonewall Riots, also [...]

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