The Week Ahead (8/26)…
Friends, Hope you've dusted off your flannel, fantasy football apps, and pumpkin spiced everything... Labor Day is coming up! Speaking of next Monday, look for [...]
Friends, Hope you've dusted off your flannel, fantasy football apps, and pumpkin spiced everything... Labor Day is coming up! Speaking of next Monday, look for [...]
Strength A1 Barbell Glute Bridge (~60-80% DL) 3x12 *2s Pause at top *Use Hip Circle A2 Hanging L-Sit 3xAccumulate 30s *Scale to Hanging Tuck Partner [...]
Strength Skill Work A1 - Handstand Feet Switches 4x30s or more - slow switches 2x Chest to Wall 2x Back to Wall A2 - Seated [...]
Strength A1 - Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8/leg A2 - Strict Pull-Up Work 4x5 @ Weighted 4x5+ @ Bodyweight Strict Tempo 4x8+ @ Band 4x5 @ [...]
Strength A1 - Dip 4x5 @ Weighted 4x5+ @ Strict Bodyweight 4x8+ @ Banded 4x5 @ Negative A2 - DB Top Down Row 3x16 - [...]
Power Clean Front Rack Mobility -So you're really good at the WOD "Jogging" Warm-Up -So you're primed for the WOD WOD 4 Rounds 2 Minute [...]
Friends, A quick thought on CrossFit, then the week ahead! ----- Many of you might have seen in the news that a competitive CrossFitter died [...]
Core Strength 9 Minute EMOM 1 - Turkish Sit-Up - 1x8 2 - Turkish Sit-Up - 1x8 3 - Superman Hamstring Curl - 1x15 WOD [...]
Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - Med Ball Deadbug Hold 1x45s 2 - Side Plank Rotation 1x15 3 - Side Plank Rotation 1x15 Partner WOD [...]
Strength A1 Back Squat 5-3-1-1-1 *Go heavy but keep form awesome. WOD 5 Rounds 2 Wall Walk 10 Jumping Lunges 15 Ring Row *12 minute [...]