The Week of 7/15
Friends, We hope you've been enjoying the varied programming. A few more nuances you might notice... -You'll see similar movements and structures to WODs. Constantly [...]
Friends, We hope you've been enjoying the varied programming. A few more nuances you might notice... -You'll see similar movements and structures to WODs. Constantly [...]
EMOM 8 1 - KB Front Rack March (53/35) (controlled but Max Effort) 2 - Rest Partner WOD I go you go. 12 Rounds (6 [...]
Strength A1 Deadlift 5-5-5 A2 "Seated Straddle Plate Raise" 4x10 (15#/10#) WOD 5 Rounds of 1 Minute Work/2 Minutes Rest 7 Front Squat (135/95) In [...]
Strength EMOM 9 1 - Max Effort Chest to Wall Handstand Hold 2 - Half Kneeling DB Woodchop 1x12 (L or R) 3 - Half [...]
Strength A1 Bench Press 4x3@90% A2 DB "Supinating" Bent Over Row 4x10 @ Heavy *Supinating - at the bottom your thumb is at noon/north, at [...]
Front Rack Mobility EMOM 6 1 - Butcher Block Stretches x45s 2 - 5x 5 second PVC Front Squat 3 - 5x High Pull + [...]
"Double But Really Lots of Strength Day" A1 Back Squat 4x3@90% A2 Box Jump 4x3-5 *Box Jump immediately after Squats B EMOM 12 1 - [...]
Team, The coaches at Old City hope everyone had a restful and coooool Independence Day and Weekend. Glad we got that hero WOD out of [...]
Strength EMOM 9 1 - Max Effort Dead Hang 2 - 1x10 Straight Arm Side Plank (L or R) 3 - 1x10 Straight Arm Side [...]
Strength A1 Barbell Reverse Lunge 3x12 (6/leg) A2 Chest to Wall Handstand Hold 3x Max Effort *Scales to feet on box *Do your best to [...]