STRENGTH A1 - Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8/Leg A2 - Weighted Chin-Up 4x5... B1 - Weighted Dip 5-5-3-3-1 B2 - DB Incline Seal Row 4x10
STRENGTH A1 - Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8/Leg A2 - Weighted Chin-Up 4x5... B1 - Weighted Dip 5-5-3-3-1 B2 - DB Incline Seal Row 4x10
WOD 8 Rounds of 3 Minutes 15 Wall Balls Row 15 Cal/Bike 12 Cal *Alternate Bike/Row *Score is completion AND time of Round 8 MOBILITY [...]
Friends, Team, It's feeling firmly Fall, yet the mosquitoes persist. Unbelievable. At least we've got a great week ahead. A few challenging WODs, a terrific [...]
Strength/Skill A1 - Weighted Pistol* 4x2-4/Leg @ Weight 4x2-4/Leg @ Strict Bodyweight 4x2-3 Negatives** *All one leg then the other side. **Lower and lower. A2 [...]
Partner WOD You Go I Go Team 400m Run (Together) 20 Rounds (10 Each) 14 Med Ball Box Step Ups (30/20)(24"/20) 5 Strict Matador Dips [...]
Snatch Mobility A1 - PVC Sotts Press 3x5 A2 - Band Face Pull 3x10 Strength B1 Snatch 5x2 WOD For Time 15 DB Thruster (2x40/2x25) [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8/Leg A2 - DB Bent Over Row 4x12/Arm WOD EMOM Until Failure ("Death By...") 4 Burpee 6 DB Snatch [...]
Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x10 Arch Up + 10s Arch Hold 2 - 1x12 DB Half Kneeling Woodchop 3 - 1x12 DB [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Weighted Pull-Up 2-2-1-1-1 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict Bodyweight 4x5 @ Negatives 4x5+ @ Band WOD For Time 1600m Run 12-9-6-3 Power [...]
Team and Friends, Hope everyone had a great weekend. The week ahead... Monday - Sumo Deadlift strength, paired with a really nice hip prehab motion. [...]