The Week Ahead 12/2/24
We hope everyone had a restorative holiday! Most of us could use more sleep and protein... Quick note on a programming pivot: we're delaying our [...]
We hope everyone had a restorative holiday! Most of us could use more sleep and protein... Quick note on a programming pivot: we're delaying our [...]
Strength A1 Back Squat 10-10-10 A2 Tib Raise 4x Max Effort WOD 20 Rounds for Time 4 DB Snatch (1x50/1x35) 4 DB OH Lunge 3 [...]
Open Gym! 9 to 11.
Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x40 Heel Taps 2 - 1x15 Anchored Leg Raise 3 - 1x10 Arch Up + 10s Arch Hold WOD [...]
Thanksgiving Sampler Platter (Friendsgiving Edition) 4 Rounds 6 Pull-Ups 12 Push-Ups 20 Reverse Lunges 3 Rounds 9 Deadlifts (155/105) 6 Hang Power Clean (155/105) 3 [...]
Happy Thanksgiving Friends, Team, I add the "team" so often because it's fun to think of yourself as an athlete. After all, athletes get to [...]
Strength A1 Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1 A2 Seated Box Jump 5x3-4 *Start on bench (18") B1 Weighted Dip 4x5 or 4x5+ @ Bodyweight 4x5 @ Negatives [...]
A1 Bench Press 4x8 A2 Back to Wall Barbell Curl (Suggested: 55/35) 4x10 Partner WOD You Go I Go 14 Rounds (7 Each) 3 Hang [...]
EMOM Core EMOM 1 - 1x15 Half Kneeling DB Woodchop 2 - 1x15 Half Kneeling DB Woodchop 3 - 1x45s Med Ball Deadbug Iso Hold [...]
STRENGTH Snatch 5x2 WOD AMRAP 7 3 Deadlift (185/135) 3 Burpee 6 Deadlift 6 Burpee ...