20 Thrusters (75/55)
20 Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55)
20 Box jumps (24/20)
20 Push press (75/55)
20/15 cal row
**As noted in the weekly blog post, today’s workout has a bit of a “Fight Gone Bad!” look to it – movements, with the exception of thrusters v wall ball, and the weight on the bar. Instead of trying to get as many reps as possible each for each movement within a minute, the number of reps are fixed, so the goal is to complete the workout as quickly as possible. This is called a task priority workout. Normally FGB *is* a time priority workout. We’ll talk more about this next week.
The focus today is on getting through this workout as quickly as possible. The weight on the bar will remain the same for all three barbell movements. If you need to adjust it for one, you adjust it for them all to maintain a high level of intensity throughout the workout. One thing to note is the 20/15 on the rower means the men will complete 20 calories and the women 15.
Cool? Cool! Let’s get after it.
*fist bump*