Back squat
3 x 5
Tempo 303×1


For time
Thruster (95/65)
Toes to bar

**12 min cap*

Tempo work is important to your training. Sure, it feels awesome going heavy, but so is doing it under control. It gives you a chance to see where you might be struggling with.. say.. your squat, by either collapsing forward because the weight shifts in your feet to your toes; or getting stuck coming out of the bottom of the squat. Controlling the descent and ascent – eccentric and concentric – parts of the movement will give you better control in the mechanics of the movement, as well as mental toughness in body awareness and maintaining time under tension throughout the movement. Sub-max weights will be used, anywhere from 60-80% of your 1RM.

The workout is meant to be fast. Barbell weight should be something you can do all the thrusters unbroken. Sure, you might be able to do what’s listed, but can you get it done under the time cap? The speed and intensity of this workout is more important than the weight on the bar.