Strength 1
Hang muscle snatch
5 x 3 @ technique weight

Strength 2
Power snatch + 5 Overhead squats
5 x 1 AHAP wGF (as heavy as possible w/ good form..)

For time
50 OH Lunges – 95/65
*5 burpees on the min

*8 min cap

**Our double strength day wraps up the work week with snatches and overhead work. We did some overhead squats on Tuesday as well as this same double component Tuesday, August 7th. Since the first 15 minutes is at technique weight (read – LIGHT), it shouldn’t be too taxing on your upper body. If you know your overhead position on squats and snatches is shit, get in some extra mobility work between sets, specifically your ankles and pecs. This should better prepare you for the overhead squats in the next 15 minute segment. Again, not going super heavy today, staying at a weight that allows you to complete all the reps WITH. GOOD. FORM.