Strength 1
Hang muscle snatch
5 x 3 @ technique weight

Strength 2
Power snatch + 5 Overhead squats
5 x 1 AHAP wGF (as heavy as possible w/ good form..)

Cashout WOD
10 min AMRAP; w/ partner, alt rounds
5 KB snatch – R – 53/35
15 Double unders (or 30 singles)
5 KB snatch – L – 53/35
15 Double unders

**So a bit of a new movement here with the hang muscle snatch. Although we have been doing a slight variation of it with the Burgener warm up when we warm up for snatch movements. Notice there’s no rebending of the knee to catch the bar. Weight listed is technique weight, which means it should be fairly light for most people. And that’s great! As it gives you a good chance to really work on and this movement to prepare you for snatches and overhead squats as the second part of the strength work.

The cashout WOD will have you partner up and move through snatches and dubs as quickly as possible. So if you’re not 100% sure with your double unders, use the single under scale. Snatches will be from the hang, too. Similar with the double unders on the KB snatches, if that’s still a new movement for you, go ahead and use a DB. We want to move as quickly as possible on these. Snatches will be done from the hang/swing position.

Scores will be recorded as the total rounds completed by both partners together. I’m sot sure if I can be more redundant with that response, but I will try again next time.