Partner WOD
20 min AMRAP
2 Wall walks
10 Box jumps (30/24)
10 Pull ups

*Row – max meters

P1 does one round of the triplet while P2 rows.
Switch, and P2 does a round of the triplet while P1 rows.
Score is total meters rowed + rounds/reps after 20 minutes

**Return of the partner workout! Notice that both partners are constantly moving, similar to the partner workout we did back on June 10th.

Reps are low for each movement, however, the wall walks are a fairly challenging for most, and you’re jumping to a higher box today. Pull ups will start to catch up to you, too, especially after the wall walks. But don’t let one of these three movements slow you down or hold you back. Have a goal of something around 30 sec for each movement. I’m sure some faster folks will be closer to 1 min/round before switching with their partner.

Wall walks
Box jumps – lower height or step ups
Pull ups – Jumping from a plate/box or jumping from the ground, ring rows