3×6 w/3s Negative

6 Box jumps – 30/24
6 1-DB hang clean (3/3) – 50/35

**This deadlift work *might* look a little familiar as we did it back on February 26th. NOW.. that doesn’t mean you should be using that same weight. Keep that RPE scale in mind – feel like you can do ~2 more reps each set. These are 3 working sets at the same weight, so get in 3-4 sets to build up to that weight. This is a great chance to really feel those hamstrings working and work on bracing. This is when coaches tell you to “get tight” – imagine having a corset on, or some type of brace around your midsection. That’s what will help protect your back during these negatives. Your coach will help you work on your bracing if you not sure how it should feel.. and they’ll do more than keep telling you to GET TIGHT. Classic cue. Works all the time.

The workout will go much faster than Tuesday sexy metcon. Oh, that’s not your idea of sexy? Maybe this faster paced one is more your style. I see you. I hear you. Gotta mix up those time domains. Get this one in under 15 min.. 12 if you can really move on the cleans and jumps. Keep your shin skin off the boxes. No blood, plz!

Daily Read
Go to Bed!*

*Gotta take my own advice :\