3×6 w/3s Negative

10 RFT
4 Burpees OTB
1 Power clean
2 Front rack lunges/total
3 front squats

Rx – 135/95

**Today is the first true strength day, and you’ll notice a change from the high volume, RPE work we did the last 3 weeks. We cut the reps in half to start things off, but you’ll notice that we’ve added some time under tension with 3 second negatives. This means that after you stand up with the barbell, you’ll count ‘one-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand’ and *then* the weights will touch the ground. We’re sticking with the dead stop deadlifts, so this is a great time to work on tension at the bottom and top of the lift. PRY the bar off the ground by pushing your feet into the ground and keeping your lats tight. The latter, as well as your grip, might be sore from yesterday’s toes to bar. With a new move like this, I’m a huge fan of using a double overhand grip and not using a belt. You’re able to rely on your big back muscles vs bicep when you supinate your grip (palm away), and learn what it feels like to get proper tension/bracing in the midsection. Stay on the lighter side and learn the mechanics, do it consistently, then increase the intensity.

You might also be wondering – why are we doing negatives? What’s the point? Good questions.

First off – to mix it up. Variety. Constantly vary the movements and stimulus. Sets of 5s and 3s are awesome, but we like to throw higher reps at you, too, because hypertrophy work is a great way to build muscle. And negatives, eccentric work – or the lowering of the weight – is a great way to build strength as well as size.

Daily Read
Mechanics-Consistency-Intensity (pt 2)… but what does it mean?? (pt 1)