Back squat
Heavy 8

In 2 min, do
250m row
Max KB Swings (70/53)
^Rest 2 min. Repeat 3 more times.
^Score is total number of swings from all 4 rounds.

**First thing I want to address today are the back squats we’ll be doing for strength. As I briefly mentioned in the weekly blog post, we’ll be programming back squats for strength 2x/week. Why? To squat more. Day 1 will be build to a heavy 8, day 2 will be build to a heavy 5.

NOW.. here’s *twist*.

If you can’t make it Wednesday and you come on Saturday, you’ll do 8s. If this will be your 2nd time this week doing back squats, you’ll do 5s. So there’s the opportunity to squat 2x a week. If your first day squatting happens to fall on the 2nd day of squats, you’ll be doing 8s. Make sense? One more clarification – these aren’t 8 and 5RM. You’ll still have the same amount of time to do the work. It might be less than the previous week, or it might be more. You might find you want to hang out at X weight instead of continuing to add weight, and that’s okay too. Technique rules.

Swing suggestion for this workout is Russian (shoulder) height since we’re going for reps and not time. IG Live Video in the morning will talk about how to do a ‘power swing’. Check it out. Validate me.

Daily Read

Americans still sitting, not moving – Time
*WTF Americans!