400 M Run
21 Amer KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pull Ups (or kipping)

Previous “Helen” days

Strength/Skill work
GOAT work

EMOM x 14
1 – Gymnastics movement
2 – Barbell movement
*Pick 2 movements, do 3-7 reps (20-30 sec of work)
Get better at them

**We want the focus on the benchmark workout, which is why we’re listing it first. You’ll have some time to warm up and get set up for your gymnastics and barbell movement of choice. As listed above, this is really skill/technique work. Yes, it’s an EMOM, but you shouldn’t spend more than 30 seconds on your movement. We don’t want to turn this into an AMRAP where you’re constantly moving. Having just done “Helen”, which is the priority of the day, you’ll be a bit fatigued, causing you to pay even MORE attention to your form and technique on the EMOM skill portion.

And as I mentioned in the weekly blog post, I hope you you’re taking some time to check out the main site to exercise your mind.

Here is the piece of music they posted for Monday’s rest day. It’s a great listen on a beautiful spring day.

You might be more familiar with this piece of work from Aaron Copland – Rodeo – particularly the “Hoedown” section. Well, if you born in the mid-80s or earlier. I played percussion from 6th grade through my senior year in high school, and this commercial really helped open my eyes to music, that it was more than just ‘stuff old guys wrote’. It brought it to life.

