2 KB/DB Press
3×6 w/3s Negative

6 min AMRAP
250m row
200m run
15 KB swings (70/53)
^rest 2 min, repeat. Starting over.
^record lowest round + reps

**The rep scheme should look familiar today as this is what we did for deadlifts yesterday, and we’ll do it again with back squats on Saturday. One thing I like about negatives, or this eccentric work, is that it really forces you to be aware of your bracing/core tension. You might think coaches are just throwing around the term ‘get tight’ all willy nilly, but it actually means something! And there’s carryover not just from staying rigid for the strict press, but for sitting tall while rowing, standing tall while running, and protecting your back on the KB swings. The amount of tension you apply to your midsection will vary from a heavy deadlift to sitting at your desk at work. But you should always be aware of what your body is doing, and practice ‘getting tight’. Still sounds all willy nilly to you and you’re not sure if you’re doing it correctly? Talk to a coach!

Daily Read
The Placebo Effect is Real