20 Push ups
30 Hang power cleans (95/65)
40 Sit ups
50 Double unders

*Mid-week longer workout. Getting in some decent volume here especially on the push ups and sit ups. Hang power cleans, too, at a weight you should be able to cycle without much hesitation.

As with yesterday’s hang power snatch and keeping the bar close to the body, you’ll want to do that for the hang power cleans as well. There’s the tendency, with such a light weight and short range of motion, to curl the barbell vs jumping it up and rotating your elbows around the bar. You’ll likely find your biceps and grip failing earlier than if you were to jump/shrug the bar into position. Find yourself shrugging too much/too soon, and those traps will be bearing the brunt of the workout. So what are you left to do? JUMP! Use your lower half, and use as much leg drive and hip extension to move the weight.