A1 – Floor press


*Build to a heavy 3 reps across 4 working sets, adding weight each time.
*Pause for 2 sec every rep with your arms on the ground.
*Repeat your heaviest weight 1-2 times.


A2 – Incline DB curls
-4 x 10


10 RFT
3 Snatches* (95/65)
3 Burpees over the bar

*power, hang power, muscle, squat,
or a mix.

*This is a ‘choose your own adventure’ workout of sorts. The bar has to go from a starting point, either on the ground or off the ground, to directly overhead in one motion without stopping at the shoulders. As mentioned above, you can use any form of the snatch, mixing and matching every rep and every round.

Keep in mind that we still want you to move as quickly as possible! So as fun as it might be to try the squat snatch for the first time, you’re better off sticking with the movement that allows you to cycle the bar as quickly as possible to keep the intensity UP!