
For Time
1,000 meter Row
50 Thrusters (45/35 bar)
30 Pull-Ups

Skill Work
aka, “GOAT work”
EMOM x 12
Even – Gymnastics
Odd – Weight lifting

**Oh, the similarities in blog posts.

You should look forward to these days. As much as I know you love the sexy metcons, these are the days where you put in the WORK. Crush a benchmark workout, and then work on some weaknesses. Go hard in the workout, then dial back the volume and intensity to work on those double unders, handstand holds, pistols, or muscle snatches.. if you missed Thursday’s workout. We focus on pistols, toes to bar, and handstand push ups on our weekly gymnastics day, but you can get in some muscle up progressions, high box jumps, dips, and L-sit holds.. to name a few. This isn’t a max out/heavy max day, but skill work. And maybe your front rack position is a weakness on cleans, and you spend your time workout on mobility.. THAT is time well spent.

Compare to 8/21/19