
We hope you’re enjoying your summer! We also hope you’ve enjoying the different energy in the gym! It’s been fun to change things up a bit without truly leaving home. Having been in DC proper for 10 years, and the DC area for 20… change is the constant here.

The programming is repeating WOD exercises and structures a bit more frequently and sooner than we might have a year ago. Success in fitness is most often predicated on tangible improvement, quantitative and otherwise, and there can be no improvement without repetition!

We plan to move through different movements and different structures in cycles, about every 4 to 6 weeks. For example, you’ve seen Toes to Bar every week for 4 or 5 weeks. Hopefully you feel better at them! You’ll see T2B in the future, but maybe not every week.

On to the week…

Monday – Mostly a strength day. Heavy Back Squat doubles at heavier than 90%. Then wailing on your pecs a bit with DB Floor Presses matched with Farmers Walk.

Tuesday – One of my favorite structures… a longer WOD with smaller rep numbers. Heavy-ish power snatch, burpee, run

Wednesday – Heavy Bench doubles, then a very brief WOD with rings and jump rope.

Thursday – Practice kicking up into a handstand. Then a 17 minute AMRAP with overhead lifting, lunges, and lateral side Shuffles.

Friday – A chance to work on Chin Up strength, then an intense SRPINT with heavy DL and rowing.

Saturday – Keeping at it with I go you go partner WODs. These have been creating a ton of energy… if you don’t like coming on Saturday, we HIGHLY suggest you try our Partner WODs at least one time!

Eat more protein, go to bed earlier, and see you at the gym!!
