
Here’s our plan this week:

Monday – 3 Minutes on/90s off for a few rounds with heavier than normal Power Cleans, Push-Ups, Box Jumps. Great hip mobility work afterwards.

Tuesday – Dips and Bent Over Rows for Strength (a personal favorite), then an all-time classic WOD, “Helen.”

Wednesday – Building on last week with heavy barbell RDLs, then a short/medium distance couplet of Lunges and Double Unders.

Thursday – Core Strength up front, then a medium distance WOD with bigger numbers (chipper-esque). Burpees, front squats, push press.

Friday – EDIT: Longer WOD with a cardio, core, and handstand focus. Rowing, Wall walks, and sit-ups! Followed by some arms since you gotta look the part on Friday!

Saturday – Hodge Podge Partner Workout! Randomness is your friend (mostly!)