
Happy August!

And so, the week ahead:

Monday – A spin on one of my all time favorite workouts, “Religion.” It is so called because they say during the later rounds you might find it. But don’t worry, I’ve scaled it back a bit for us. The rare WOD that has barbell back squats. Squats are followed by a gentle kiss of cardio from burpee box jumps, then lots of rest.

Tuesday – If you like hitting chest, arms, and abs, today is your day! We’ve got Dips and rowing for Strength, then a shorter WOD with push press, pull-ups, and core.

Wednesday – I guess I figured I would just post all my favorite WODs this week. Old City Benchmark: GHOST. A bit longer, only cardio: rowing, burpees, double unders. Before Ghost we’ll practice our handstand kick-ups

Thursday – Power Snatch Practice for strength, and then a shorter sprint WOD with wall balls, side Shuffles, and a bicep exercise.

Friday – Our only running day. 20 minute AMRAP with heavier deadlifts, toes to bar, and running

Saturday – Partner WOD!!!!!