
We hope you’ve been enjoying the varied programming. A few more nuances you might notice…

-You’ll see similar movements and structures to WODs. Constantly varied is a big theme in CrossFit, but I like to say “mostly varied.” If you don’t repeat movements, it’s harder to get better. I think it’s also a reflection of our typical client, who could easily miss squat day for 5 months.

-I’m big on Pulling as much or more than Pushing. That’s hard in classic-CrossFit, which has many push but few pulls among it’s core movements. We can stay true to CrossFit while tweaking a bit.

Anyway, let us know if you’ve been enjoying the tweaks, which movements are interesting to you, and so forth. Now on to business, the week ahead:

*No squat or bench strength this week*

Monday – Heavy Deadlifts and a very short and intense, but not heavy, WOD. AMRAP 7.

Tuesday – A bit of Mobility and Core, then a longer WOD with bits of rest built in. Wall Balls and such.

Wednesday – Heavy Upper Body Strength and a WOD with cardio and core. Resting our legs a tad from Tuesday.

Thursday – Deadlifts again. Unknown-unknowable, they say. I took this from the CrossFit Open in… 2011 I think it was. Also, we’re making you stretch those hips today.

Friday – Bulgarian Split Squats, then a longer, strength leaning WOD.

Saturday – I think you guys have been liking the Partner WODs? I really really like the sprint/rest/sprint combo… and FWIW, they’re exactly like a local CrossFit Competition. So, if it ain’t broke…