Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great weekend. And Happy Mother’s Day to our gym moms, moms-to-be, foster moms, etc.

May Newsletter

If you missed it last Sunday, check it out HERE!

May Event
Cocktails and Culture

Date: Saturday, May 21st
Time: 2pm
Location: National Gallery of Art and Culture, TBD for cocktails
Dress Code: Ironically formal
What are we doing? Attendees will select a painting that is on display at the National Gallery of Art, and prepare a 1-2 minute TED-style talk about the painting. We’ll only visit the artwork that people are presenting on, and then we’ll find a nearby bar for cocktails, to continue discussing the art. Feel free to bring friends, family, kids, etc., who are also welcome to choose a painting to present.

RSVP through the Facebook event, and claim your painting. If you don’t use Facebook, you can email us!
[email protected]


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Double strength with back squats and weighted strict pull ups

Tuesday – Long workout with push ups, box jumps, and deadlifts.

Wednesday – Clean complex followed by pull ups and wall balls.

Thursday – Bench press followed by a ‘death by’ workouts. It’s only 15 rounds/minutes, so you *shouldn’t* die.

Friday – Old City Benchmark WOD #2 “The Ghost”

Saturday – Push/pull/squat day, followed by 30 reps for time of a movement that is *NOT* Man Makers.

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! Take care of your body! Relax, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!