Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great weekend and stayed cool and dry. Already feeling like summer with the humidity and thunderstorms. Speaking of rain.. did you know that the only way that bees can fly in the rain is with their yellow jackets?


Culture and Cocktails

Thanks to every that made it out to the National Gallery of Art for our first ever ‘Culture and Cocktails’ event, or who followed along in the Instagram stories. We learned a lot about “The Thinker”, one of only a few female painters represented in the NGA, Saint Bernards, Georgia O’Keeffe trivia, what a poor artist keeps in their cupboard, Vermeer.. and more! We even had a few gallery visitors listen in on the presentations – so you know it was good! Thanks again, and keep an eye/ear out for the announcement of our June event.

Memorial Day Murph

On Monday, May 30th, we will have the Hero WOD “Murph” happening at 8am and 9:30am. The class is already open and available for reservations – up to 25 in each class. Many scaling options available, too!


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Push jerks, single unders, and DB power snatches.

Tuesday – Old City Benchmark WOD #4 is “The Chief”. We last did this on 3/30/22.

Wednesday – Push/Pull/Squat day with lat pull ups, DB floor press, and single leg step ups followed by a dumbbell couplet with deadlifts and row.

Thursday – High volume back squats, Romanian deadlifts, and barbell rollouts.

Friday – Long workout with rowing, box jumps, and pull ups.

Saturday – Power cleans and jerks for strength, followed by swings, C&P, and biking

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! Take care of your body! Relax, and get ready for “Murph” tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!