We *clapping emoji* ARE *clapping emoji* OPEN!!!!

Can you believe it!?!?

I’m bringing back the weekly update posts, but a lot of what will be in this post will be redundant of what’s in your email. I’ll also be posting the daily blog posts with tips/wod hacks for the workouts and ways to manage getting back into the gym. So keep an eye out for those posting around 8PM over on our WOD tab.

Sooo… read yo emails! I’m referring to the email that was sent out Saturday that was titled ‘re-opening’

Here are a few things for this week

Shortened schedule – (also on the website HERE)
Wed – 5AM, 6AM, 9:30, Noon, 5:30, 6:30
Thurs – 6AM, Noon, 5:30, 6:30
Fri – 5AM, 6AM, 9:30, Noon, 5:30, 6:30
Sat – 9AM, 10AM

– You MUST sign up ahead of time. If you’re not sure about going a class and realize at 5pm that you can make the 5:30pm class, you cannot show up. You have until an hour before the class to reserve a spot or remove yourself from a spot.

**Also — shoutout to my 5AM crew for going 9/9 both Wed and Fri. *five-ghat dayum-AYE EM.* You da’ real MVPs.!!

– There are 9 spots per class, and you can reserve your stop up to a week in advance. Again, if you know you can’t make it, cancel your reservation or you will be charged for the class.

**Even if a class is full, sign up for the wait list. Even if a class is not listed – 7AM, 4:30pm, 7:30pm – please let us know! We need a head count since we plan to add more classes after 2 weeks. But we need to know where there is interest.

– 50 min classes. We’re allowing extra time to clean before and after each class.

Pack light. Whatever you bring into the gym will stay in your workout squat. Two bottles, 2 pairs of shoes, a change of clothes, a belt, wrist wraps, towel…. I hope there’s room for you! Plan ahead. Look at the workout so you know if you’ll need to bring your jump rope or not. I would leave the lifters and belt at home for the time being, though. But bring your own towel and water bottle.

-Read your email. I’m missing a bunch of stuff about masks, flow of the class, no chalk, doing a Hybrid of the virtual and in class training, and much, MUCH more.

I’m missing something else.. *what am I missing…*

OH! LET’S HAVE FUN! good lord. RIGHT? Let’s get back in the gym, get in your square, get back to doing warm ups and stretching and mobility, and remember what it’s like to pick up a barbell, snatch, row, jump on a box, etc.

On that note…

Let’s see what’s coming up for the rest of the week..

Wednesday – Snatches. I mean.. c’mon. Gotta start off big, right?? And burpees.. because you haven’t done enough of them.

Thursday – Rowing and thrusters. I mean.. c’mon.. I’ve been rowing these last 3 months, so it’s time to get back on the erg and reteach you to use your legs/body/arms – arms/body/legs.

Friday – Deadlift. That’s all. We’re deadlifting. NOT MAXING OUT. But picking up a barbell and setting it down. Then resting 3-5 min, and repeating that concept.

Saturday – No jump rope? Get a jump rope. And some box jumps, too. All the jumping!


Let’s have great time back in the gym!
