Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great weekend and enjoyed some of the HOT weather even though it won’t technically be summer until the 20th. Speaking of summer, what’s the most mathematical aspect of summer? The tan lines.

And if you’re ever cold, just go stand in a corner where it’s usually 90 degrees.


**I had to end on a good note as this is my last post after being at the helm for posting daily and weekly blog posts since August 2017. It’s true! We have a website and have had it for *that* long! I hope you’ve enjoyed the jokes and the content over the years, and that it helped with your CrossFit journey. <3 **


Coach Jen’s Last Day – This Friday!
Reminder that this Friday, June 21st will be Coach Jen’s last day with Old City. Come to one of the classes that day, then come to The Haymaker Bar next door after the last class to celebrate good times from over the years.

Cardio + Helping Dogs = Win-win!

The Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA) needs your help. There are too many dogs to walk, and not enough time! Take a dog out for the day as part of the Field Trip program, open to members of the public. Or better yet, become a volunteer and work up a sweat walking dogs in need. HRA has two locations: one at 1201 New York Ave NE, and the other at 71 Oglethorpe St NW.


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Bench press at 85% for 3s followed by a couplet of KB swings and sit ups.

Tuesday – Double strength day with a snatch focus from the ground and hang. We’ll also do some strict pull ups and Bulgarian split squats.

Wednesday“Juneteenth” WOD

Thursday – Deadlifts for 3s followed by an AMRAP of renegade rows, floor press, and power cleans.

Friday – Coach Jen’s last day coaching, and she has a special workout planned that includes some of her favorite movements (double unders and Devil’s press are two of them) and numbers/rep scheme.

Saturday – Back squats followed by a barbell complex of hang power cleans, front squats, and shoulder to overhead. How long can you hold on??

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! Yoga is on hold until August. Otherwise, try to relax a bit, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!