Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great Pride weekend. So much was going on! Luckily the weather held up, which allowed for lots of outside fun no matter what you had going on.

Yoga Time Change

Class will now be held at 10:45am to allow you a *few* more minutes to get there. Be sure to sign up in ZenPlanner! Class sign up – for yoga and all other classes – opens a week in advance. And you have up until 30 minutes before the start of the class to cancel your reservation.

Nats Game

This Saturday the Old City Gang will be heading to Nats Park to watch the American past time while noshing on Cracker Jack and sipping on a some overpriced beer. But it’s for the experience, right?? You had to respond by last Friday (June 10th) to get yourself a ticket. If you missed out, I’m sure you can still get a ticket at the gate. Game time is 4:35pm

MoCo Throwdown

Congrats to Emma and Lisa, and Jack S and his brother Sam for participating in the Moco Throwdown at Tough Temple CrossFit in Bethesda, MD.

Looking to compete or need a partner? Let us know and we’ll get it in the weekly posts, or post about it on our Facebook Group. It’s great to see every test their fitness whether it’s with CF comps, Olympic lifting meets, running races, Spartan Races, etc. Get outside your comfort zone! And have fun!!


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Front squats, push jerks, and gorilla rows start off the week.

Tuesday – Old City Benchmark #5 – running and deadlifts

Wednesday – Power snatch cycling followed by overhead squats and double unders.

Thursday – Bench press with some tempo work with wall balls, box jumps, and lunges to greet you afterwards.

Friday – Long EMOM workout with biking, pull ups, pistols, and more!

Saturday – Push/pull/core work followed by air squats, push press, and V-ups

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! Take care of your body! Relax, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!