Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope you had a great weekend, and got a little vitamin D. It was HOT out, too! And it’s supposed to be hot again this week. BUT! Good news for you is that the AC is fixed in the gym. So get in (reserve your spot first), cool off, and get in a great workout. More on this later..

We’re also hoping to add the 4:30p class back to the schedule. If you’re on Facebook, please check the poll in the Community Group for the poll and let us know if you’ll be joining or not. *Side note – and not to sway anyone’s vote.. buuut.. I’m likely to switch over to the 4:30 class when it gets added because that’s where the cool kids will be. Shhh! Not on Facebook? Send me an email with your vote, and I’ll make sure it gets counted.

One more thing to add, and I don’t think I can stress this enough – thank you for all your support, whether you’re training with us online or in the gym – or both! It’s great to stay connected even if it’s online or from a short distance. You all matter, and thank you for rolling with all our changes.

Okay.. enough of me getting all sappy again.. jeez.. let’s see what’s coming up this week..

Monday – Push up for strength – eccentric or weighted work. We’ll get getting in some snatches and floor press as well.

Tuesday – Okay, so I think last week’s chipper fell flat, so let’s try again. No, I’m not trying to crush you, just push you mentally and physically. I think you’ll like this one, but maybe not the 90 burpees. #sorrynotsorry

Wednesday – Back to some skill work with handstand push ups, and then DB jerks with box jumps. Not at the same time, but wouldn’t that be a trip! *heeeyooo!!*

Thursday – Double strength day with some snatches and Romanian deadlifts (RDLs). Adding in some cashout fun with L-sits.

Friday – Another long workout here, and we’ll be getting on the rig with pull ups, jumping some rope, and busting out the dballs!

Saturday – Did you think we forgot about deadlifts?? Naah!! We’re saving the best for the weekend.

HeroWOD.. do it on your own, or socially distanced with some frens.

Let’s have another great week!