Hey Old Cityzens!

We’re finally officially BACK to our normal schedule and everyone will be back at work this week. And we’re excited to have everyone back in the gym. Let’s get to work on those 2020 goals!

Check out the newsletter that was sent out January 1st to see what’s coming up this week. Quick preview – coach Rachel’s WODTrain class continues Sunday afternoons, we need some volunteers for the Mid-Atlantic CrossFit Challenge (MACC) in April, and a note on programming for this month.

Speaking of programming for this month, we’ve got the benchmark girl WOD “Helen” coming up on Thursday. Board pics from the last 1-3 times will be posted on the blog so you can compare your times. We’ll also be doing some GOAT EMOM work afterwards, so think of a weighted and bodyweight movement you want to work on. This is similar to what we do for skill/strength days – HSPU, toes to bar, pistols, etc – but you get to pick the movements to work on.

So now that you know what’s coming up on Thursday, let’s see what’s coming up the rest of the week.

Monday – Long, sexy-metcon workout to blast that holiday fat! Swings, wall balls, and toes to bar.

– Push jerk strength EMOM and push jerks in the workout along with power cleans and front squats.

– Double strength day with front squats and snatch work.

Thursday – As mentioned above, “Helen” and a ‘choose your own adventure’ EMOM skill work.

Friday – Deaddlift day and a repeat workout from Wodapalooza 2018. Hmm…

– Dumbbell EMOM work plus a descending ladder couplet with dumbbells.

Sunday – Open gym + Gainz Club + WODTrain + HeroWOD + Yoga

Let’s have another great week!