Hey Old Cityzens!

We’re wrapping up the month, so this is going to be a brief post. The newsletter is coming out Tuesday morning, so keep an eye on that for all the going’s on for the month of February including details on the CrossFit Open, member spotlight, and programming update for the month.

The newsletter is our main way of communicating with our members on a monthly basis. We also use our Facebook Group and Instagram as a way to reach out. So if you’re not on either of those social media sites, please let us know if you do not receive the newsletter, so we can make sure you stay up to date.

Lesser known pages include the weekly blog post, daily blog post, and Twitter – where the whiteboard is posted at the end of each day.


Weekly Musings
Are are you doing on your S.M.A.R.T. Goals goals? Monthly, quarterly, and yearly. I hope you making progress! Don’t have any set yet? Let’s get started TODAY! Work with your coach on how to help you get that first pull up, improve your snatch technique, improve overhead mobility, make it to class 4x a week, etc. We’re here to help you succeed!


Let’s see what’s coming up this week..


Monday – Back squats and a double under/thruster burner. Get ready for the Open!

Tuesday – Bench press with a hang power clean and burpee couplet ladder.

Wednesday – Long workout with sumo deadlift high pulls, push press, and box jumps. Good combo of pulling, pushing, and jumping.

Thursday – Pistol skill work with an AMRAP of those pistols you just practiced, sit ups, and pull ups

Friday – Double strength day with power snatches and front squats.

Saturday – Long workout that’s an EMOM triplet of double unders, swings, and push ups.

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! Relax! And we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!