Hey Old Cityzens!

Oh man, what a start to the CrossFit Open season! I hope your quads have recovered, especially if you did Saturday’s workout, too. Yikes! Now.. remember.. we program our workouts 1-2+ weeks ahead, so I have NO IDEA how it will workout with what’s throw our way on Friday the next 4 weeks. Just remember, it’ll be over in 4 weeks, then back to our regular shenanigans.

Now is a good time to remind you of the 30-min Skill Sessions that Old City is offering. Maybe after 19.1 you realize you need a little more work on your rowing technique or pacing on the erg. And there will be some double unders, handstand pushups/walking, muscle ups, toes to bar, chest to bar pull ups, and… well, you get the point. There will be a mix of movements in your wheelhouse as well as those you need work on. So why not spend some dedicated time with an Old City coach to help get you over that hump! An email with details was sent out Feb 13th. If you want more info you can email Coach David or talk to one of the coaches to help get you set up. Cost is $50+ which includes the 30 min session, additional feedback and follow up work to keep you on track.

We’ll be doing the Friday Night Lights again this week. If you know you can’t make it, be sure to email Coach David a time when you can make it up. Other members are welcome to join and cheer everyone on. Workout 19.2 will be announced Thursday at 8PM.


We have our President’s Day shirts with T-strong Swolesevelt on the back. Get yours for $30+!

We’re also doing another order on hoodies and henleys. I know I sport mine evvvvery morning and I love them! Let us know which ones you’d be interested in purchasing by filling out the form: https://goo.gl/forms/1JSjrk7hfvIAtjWk1. I’m not sure what the price is yet for each one, but keep an eye on the post in the Facebook Community group – as well as in the weekly posts – for updates.

Speaking of updates.. let’s see what we’ve got coming up this week.

– EMOM strength work with double KB presses (fewer reps, increase weight?) and strict CHIN ups. We’ve got a fun double DB workout for you, too.

Tuesday – Deadlifts for 3s and a barbell/T2B complex. I’m sure we’ll see both of these in the next 4 weeks for the Open.

Wednesday – Double strength day with glute bridges and jerks from the rack.

– Long workout with some biking, pistols, and heavy carries. I will *guarantee* that none of these movements will be in 19.2 on Friday.

Friday – CrossFit Open WOD 19.2

Saturday – Long chipper — bring your jump rope, but some Vaseline on your butt, and get ready to pick up the dball a lot.

Sunday – Open gym + gainz club + HeroWOD + yoga

Let’s have another great week!
